Hip hop beats, Rap beats, Rap instrumentals, Hip Hop Instrumentals
The difference between us, and them:
With BestBeatsOnline:
Other Beat sites:
Lifetime access for one fee?
you have to pay every month
How many beats?
1700 MB of beats! -That's over 18 hours of listening. Hundreds of over-the-top sick ass beats.. That's actually over 300 beats.
You have to pay $5 to $30 for every beat!
All styles?
Every style imaginable! Nebula is a professional music producer that is required to have full knowledge and skill in every arena of music performance.
Just "East coast", "club" and westcoast"
You can download every mp3, sound effect and industry listing that comes with BestBeatsOnline.com
Streamable only.
Only the highest quality Beats in MP3 format?
We only upload the best of our beats for industry reputation purposes.
Unoriginal and boring material.
Personal contact by phone?
Call us! We hang out with our members all day.
New material every month?
Absolutely new material every month. We are busy right now preparing new tracks and sounds for next month.
A limited amount of resources to ensure the customer does not cancel the subscription.
Are you really musicians?
Professional studio musician for 20 years.
Let the machine do the work.
QuickTime Player alias